Q&A With Ana Buzzalino!
Join us as we welcome an adorable project from one of our amazing sponsors WonderFil Specialty Threads!
Calgarian Fibre Artist and Quilt Instructor
For the full Q&A visit the WonderFil website.

Ana has been a teacher on a variety of quilting techniques for the past 20+ years. Some of the recent workshops have focused on free-motion quilting and surface design. She is currently working on a new series of work that includes mixed media and is a frequent contributor to quilting arts magazine and quilting arts tv.
Many of ana’s quilts have won several awards at local and national shows, and have been juried into major international shows.
Wonderfil is proud to have counted ana buzzalino as part of our teacher program since 2009.
For the full interview / Q&A with Ana Buzzalino visit the WonderFil website.
For great tutorials, DIY project, and more visit the WonderFil.ca blog.
With Love and Threads,
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