Thursday 8 October 2015

Finding Your Way Around the Canadian Quilters' Association


This post is to hilight some amazing people and things that we have going on at the Canadian Quilters' Association/Association canadienne de la courtepointe, or CQA/ACC for short.

First off is our website that is chock full of quilting goodness and eye candy!  Not to mention so much great information.
Have you checked out all the inspiring quilts from our latest National Juried Show? How about our annual fundraiser to promote quilting in Canada, our Trend-Tex Challenge?  You can also see the last five years for each of these fantastic shows!
Look at this amazing jacket that was juried into the 2015 National Juried Show!  Made completely with selvedges by past Board member Judy Kelly.

Take a look at our website on the right hand side to see all the social media platforms we are on!
There has to be at least 1 or 4 that you will like to follow us on! Our pinterest boards are just loaded with colour and quilts and inspiration. Facebook has monthly giveaways! Instagram and twitter are there for the quick moment to look and stay informed!

Now, do you love what you see? Want to see more and support quilting in Canada? Sign up to be a member and get our quarterly magazine delivered right to your door!  We revamped our magazine and it is AMAZING! We have patterns, techniques, and so much more information and insights into quilting in Canada and abroad! Don't wait, sign up today!

Looking for a great Canadian teacher? Check out our Professional Quilters page!

Right here on our blog we have some wonderful reading to keep you up to date with our quilters in Canada! If you look to the right of our blog, you will see our members who have active blogs where you can see what they are up to, and find great ideas and inspiration!

As well, you can see many of our member guilds and look at the ways they are reaching their members and the unique things they are doing!

We hope this helps you find your way around our site and encourages you to follow us on one of our social media platforms so you can stay connected with quilters in Canada!  If you can't find something, drop us an email at Most importantly, we hope it has convinced you to join us and become a part of our quilting family!

1 comment:

  1. fantastic info Jackie
    Will research our member blogs and guilds a few at a time
    probably end up with more projects and ideas :o)
