It’s Time for Colour!
We are pleased to present a Gallery to showcase the quilts in our first-ever travelling quilt show called It’s Time for Colour! The quilts will crisscross Canada, travelling to most provinces and the Northwest Territories from January 2015 until May 2015.
The quilts are being assembled in Victoria, BC
for the cross-country tours. While waiting for all the quilts to arrive, a
few pre-tour viewings have been arranged on
Vancouver Island.
The travelling quilts were made and donated by CQA/ACC members who have won awards at the National Juried Show within the last three years. Without their generosity – and creativity - we would not be able to host this event.
In the Gallery you can view the travelling quilts, meet the quilters and see if a quilt is still for sale. You will also find information on how to purchase the quilts and greeting cards. Touring schedule will be available soon as more details become firm.
Proceeds from the sale of the quilts and greeting cards will be donated to The Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada at Quilt Canada 2015 in Lethbridge. We plan to grant the wishes for several children with life-threatening illnesses.
You can get to the Gallery anytime if you go directly to our blog and press the tab "It's Time For Colour - Gallery" in the pink bar.
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