Have you already booked your trip? Finalized your plans? Whatever the case may be, here are some really fun things for you to consider doing while you are at the conference.
First off, is take in a workshop. How amazing is it that CQA/ACC brings in instructors from everywhere and puts them all under one roof so you have a smorgasbord of talent to choose from!
We even have long arm and mid arm workshops and lectures this year! Handi Quilter is supplying the long arm and mid arm machines for these workshops and lectures.
Grab a lecture! They are quick and fast and you can gain so much information on topics you wanted to explore but never had the time to!
Check out our Demo Booth. Stationed right in the Merchant Mall with around the clock demos on new products, tips, techniques and tools, it is a must stop. Grab your lunch and come on by!
All the shows! The National Juried Show is the icing on the cake showcasing the incredible talent we have in all new categories!
We have our fun and exciting Trend-Tex Challenge where you can not only take in these beautiful small quilts, but bid on them and support Canadian quilting. The incredible Toronto Modern Quilt Guild is having a show plus our Invitational quilt show! There will be so many quilts for you to be inspired by.
Did I mention the Merchant Mall? We are pleased to bring you the largest Merchant Mall we have ever had at our conference! Yes, it is HUGE! Click here to see a list of the vendors.
You do not want to miss our Quilters' Nite Out with Jane Sassaman! The freebies and giveaways will rock your world.
Quilter's Nite Out – Jane Sassaman Lecture and Social

We are thrilled to present a lecture by well known and respected quilter, author and fabric designer, Jane Sassaman (see bio). You will enjoy Jane's lecture on the visual and philosophical ideas that have influenced both her life and her work. Jane brings an extraordinary range of wonderful images making this a colourful lecture. Jane excites and inspires her audience by exposing them to an unusual combination of fantastic images.
Book your ticket early for this entertaining and informative evening as seating is limited and will sell out quickly. This is a rare opportunity for Canadian quilters to hear Jane Sassaman in person and to mingle and meet with old and new quilting friends.
Cost: $25.00 ($30.00 at the door, if available)
TIME: Thursday, June 16, 7:00 p.m.
TIME: Thursday, June 16, 7:00 p.m.

The International Gathering of the Guilds is a once in a lifetime opportunity as well!
The International Gathering of the Guilds – Quilt Canada 2016

A public gathering such as the International Gathering of the Guilds™, for quilters by quilters around the world, is an incredible and unique occasion. Please join us for an evening in celebration of quilting and sharing on a global scale.
The most common thread among quilters worldwide is fellowship and camaraderie. The evening will include presentations from guest speakers from the global quilting project movement, followed by a Show & Share quilt parade like no other! Won't it be fun to see what other quilters around the world are working on? Please bring a finished quilted piece to show and share with others. All skill levels are welcome. Seating is limited.
Book your ticket now!
Cost: $22.00 ($25.00 at the door if available)
Time: Friday, June 17, 7:00 p.m.
Cash bar available
Keynote Speaker: Paula Rafferty of Ireland (see bio)
Show & Tell parade
Sponsored by: Celtic Quilt Tours
For more information, please contact:
Kathy Strawson kstrawson@gmail.com
Kim Caskey kim@kimcaskey.ca
Time: Friday, June 17, 7:00 p.m.
Cash bar available
Keynote Speaker: Paula Rafferty of Ireland (see bio)
Show & Tell parade
Sponsored by: Celtic Quilt Tours
For more information, please contact:
Kathy Strawson kstrawson@gmail.com
Kim Caskey kim@kimcaskey.ca
Did I mention that our door prize is a long arm quilting machine? Sponsored by Handi Quilter!
It is going to be so much fun!