Wednesday 24 July 2013

Slabs and Flags

Our compassion defines us and sets us apart.   Quilters are once again rising to the occasion and helping those in need.   Here are a couple instances of quilters that have sent in slab blocks to Quilts for Calgary and flags to Lac-Mégantic.

Deborah Wheeler says, "I was able to donate two quilts to Quilting for Calgary and have six slab blocks (they are addicting—you can’t make just one) to send to Cheryl Arkison.  It is wonderful to see what can be accomplished by working together."

Slab blocks by Deborah Wheeler

Carolyn J. wrote in and said that Cheryl Arkinson was in Abbotsford, BC this past week and Ms. Arkinson was loaded up with slab blocks and quilts from the quilters.

Cindy Simpson, our Alberta Regional Representative, is showcasing the flag she made for Lac-Mégantic that had the horrific train derailment.  You can find out more information here.

Flags made by Cindy Simpson

If you or your guild has a story or pictures you want to share, please email