Tuesday 25 June 2013

Winners of Giveaway and a Modern Pillow

Last week at the end of our post, we offered a giveaway.   Our two winners of the Quilter's Connection magazine are:
  1. TEXTILE SELF PORTRAITS: I am a CQA member. One unique project I have participated in recently is a 'Fabric Arts Self Portraits Project'. Twelve quilters have been working independently since last fall and will be showing their self portraits at the Langham Gallery in Kaslo, BC July 5 - Aug 18th. Mine is finished and you can view it on my blog at eileengidman.blogspot.com . I can't wait to see the rest and will be posting photos after the opening
  2. I am a CQA member as well as belonging to the Prairie Piecemakers Quilters' Guild in Regina, Sk. This past year our guild meetings have included a 10 minute trunk show by a PPQG member. This opportunity gives a quilter an opportunity to show her work and perhaps build some confidence in her accomplishments.

    Suse, I need you to drop me an email at vicepresident@canadianquilter.com.

    Congratulations ladies!

    Upon contacting Eileen Gidman on her win, she had this to say about an article in the last 'The Canadian Quilter':

    The article, 'The Modern Quilt Movement', inspired me to do a little research into this type of quilting. It has kind of excited me as I thought it might just suit my hand painted fabrics. The attached photo is of a pillow that is my interpretation of Modern Quilting. The pillow is one in a new series titled,'Artisan Pillows'.

    Check out Eileen's blog to see more of her handpainted fabric!

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy getting my next issue of Quilters Connection magazine, you'll love it and learn lots about other Canadian quilters.
