We are jumping into social media feet first and want you to come along with us and share the news with all your friends.
First off, did you know we have started a pinterest account? Yessir, we are loving adding all sorts of great 'pins' to the boards. Those of you that are unfamiliar with pinterest, it is a place where you can look for ideas or 'pins' that you then pin onto your bulletin boards. They are all pictures and will link to the website the picture came from. It literally is a multitude of ideas. For example, we have boards and pins on guild programs, tutorials, black and white quilts and so much more. You just have to check us out!
We are also set up with twitter. We are tweeting like crazy and would love for you to join us. Twitter is short little messages that you send out to fellow followers or 'tag' people that are also using twitter. For example, we tagged Aurifil in a tweet about how we were on the Gen Q blog and they sent it out to all their followers!
Our most recent addition to social media is Instagram. This is a platform to share pictures. Very fun and is done on a smart phone.
Many of you know that we are on facebook. We continue to increase our followers and thank you for constantly sharing our facebook page with your friends.
Lastly, but not least is the centre of our social media and the place where the centre of activity lies - our website. We have all our important information here. Such as the list of certified judges and apprentice judges, our galleries including the amazing NJS 2014 gallery, and up to date information on our next conference, Quilt Canada 2015 and we have listed all the teachers at it!
Here is your little giggle for the day=)

Thanks for all the social media work. I am enjoying seeing what CQA is pinning on Pinterest.