Sunday 26 May 2013

Quilt BC 2013

We came, we laughed, we spent, we took workshops, we took in breathtaking quilts, we ate great food, we were entertained, we laughed and most importantly we bonded with fellow quilters across Canada. This could not have happened if not for the amazing teamwork, dedication and smiling faces of the LOC (Local Organizing Committee) and all the volunteers who showed up to help make this national conference a smashing success.
Local Organizing Committee 

Part I of the  QJCP (Quilt Judge Certification Programme) ran prior to the conference.

It was truly remarkable to wander around the National Juried Show and the concurrent shows and be met by lovely white gloved volunteers ready to answer questions, or lift the quilt up so you could see the back.

When bidding on Trend-Tex Challenge quilts, there were always volunteers ready to help or explain what the silent auction was about.

The Merchant Mall was mind blowing.   So many vendors, so much fabric, so many gadgets.   Need I say more?

The workshops were raved about by all attendees, and the classroom angels ensured the instructor and quilter had everything they needed.  A special shout out goes to Judy Farrow and Anna Hergert who jumped in when we found out about Libby Lehman's serious medical condition.

At the AGM (annual general meeting), the Dorothy McMurdie award winner was announced.   It went to a most deserving recipient - Laurie Swim.  This award is given to someone who has made a significant contribution to quilting.
Laurie Swim and Laine Canivet, Board member

Also the recipient of the Teacher of the Year was awarded to Margie Davidson who delighted us with her speech.
Margie Davidson

The new Board members were introduced, bringing on Lynn Mills as Treasurer and Lauren MacDonald as Secretary.   We say a heartfelt goodbye to Kathryn Tucker who did a fabulous job as Treasurer.   Judy Kelly moves into the President's role, Gayle Szmurlo into Past President, Laine Canivet as Director at Large, and Jackie White as Vice President.

We ran a Youth Pilot Project in which 280 children over the course of two days toured the NJS and concurrent quilt shows.  They made a quilt block from fabric and crayons.  Volunteers in local guilds are donating their time, backing and batting  to finish the quilts and return them to the classes.

The lecture was sold out as everyone hung onto the words of Anna Hergert as she educated and inspired us on her journey into landscapes.

Anna Hergert doing her lecture

Finally the banquet, we laughed till we cried.   There was a skit put on by quilters that should be seen by every quilter from coast to coast.   Then 'Elvis' took the stage and you have never seen the likes of quilters letting loose and having a fun time.

Adam Fitzpatrick being Elvis.

Quilt BC 2013 could not have been a success without all the volunteers, teachers, wonderful sponsors, vendors and the quilters that came out in droves to show their support.   Thank you!

We look forward to seeing all of you in St. Catharines, ON June 11-14, 2014.

All photos by Laine Canivet


  1. Thanks you for the summary in this post. A great look back at a well run event!

  2. Eileen is right - your photos and descriptions are great memory revivers! and I'm sure that the members who took classes could add many more. Add to that the lush surroundings and great food (Cobs bakery, southwest steak salad, fresh Cobb salad, etc...) - Penticton was the perfect spot!
