Thursday 22 October 2015

You Asked For It!

We were contemplating retiring the 'count your inches' across the country but the overwhelming response from our members and guilds to continue had us beat! We are doing it again!

We are travelling from Quilt Canada 2015 - Lethbridge AB to Quilt Canada 2016 in Toronto, ON.

Our journey is 3,627 km or a whopping 142,806,299 inches!

At your guild meetings, measure the inches around the perimeter of your quilt during your Show and Share or on your charity quilts. Send the total of those inches to our awesome volunteer Marilyn Michelin at
We do want to see what you are quilting, so please send a picture or two and a sentence describing it so we can use it on social media!

We are super excited to do it once again, albeit a little stressed that we are starting late so may not make it.. and that would devastate us! We are counting on you to count alot of inches! Get quilting!

1 comment:

  1. Hope we can check out some quilt stores on the way! and clubs/guilds too. That was my favourite aspect of the trip!
