Tuesday 1 September 2015

Youth Challenge

Every year, we promote and take on the Youth Challenge at CQA/ACC.
It is generously sponsored by Cantik Batiks/Contemporary Sewing Materials.

Reasons to do the Youth Challenge

We take this very seriously for a couple of reasons. The first is we want to promote our craft. We NEED to promote it to the younger generation so it continues to flourish in a time of technology and gadgets.  Kids need to know that creating with their hands is a creativity outlet all on it's own and is a good thing.  

We want our youth to know that quilting is easy and doable and teaches hand eye coordination, math, designing, colour theory and so much more.

Those are the super serious reasons. The next reason is it is just darn right fun to quilt with a child!   Seriously, have you tried it? Whether it is a 4 year old who can't reach the foot pedal or a 14 year old who is mastering the machine and designing all on their own, this is time well spent.  

We have a new volunteer Youth Coordinator this year, Ms. Rolanda Tovey, who has stepped forward to help us with this fun task.

This is a picture of the fabric for the Youth Challenge based on the theme 'My Favourite Game or Sport'.

What Is Involved?

1. Find a youth. It could be the token grand child, neighbour's kid, your youth, call the school and find one... they really are everywhere!

2. Request the fabric.   Go right here to do that. Find the guidelines here.

3. Teach the youth to make a quilt... here is the best part.. it can be any size!  So you don't have to make that king sized quilt the first go with your youth!

4. Fill out the very simple paperwork. Take a pic and enter!

5. Where it says you need a sponsor... you don't have to be a CQA/ACC member, just find someone who is.  If you can't, use me.. buzz me an email at pastpresident@canadianquilter.com and I will be honoured to be your sponsor!

Take a look at last year's entries to get inspired!

6. Why are you still reading.. go, go, go and start the Youth Challenge today!  

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