Wednesday 11 June 2014

Walk To Brock #9

Fantastic work, everyone! We squeaked into Brock University in St. Catharines, ON just under the wire. Whew!! And what a journey this has been. We have been on the road since last September.  Our challenge was to travel from Mile Zero in Victoria BC to St. Catharines ON by way of Inuvik NT, inch by inch, based on your finished quilt measurements. When we got to Inuvik, our Regional Representative, Shona Barbour and her guild members mailed local souvenirs to 24 guilds across Canada, chosen at random.

115 guilds, groups and individuals participated during the last ten months. I received over one thousand emails with your inches, your stories, your photos and, of course, your weather reports. Each month, we accumulated on average half a million inches. 

The GRAND TOTAL of inches as of June 11, 2014 is 4,999,138.25. This is amazing! That represents a lot of busy Canadian quilters.

Now that we are finally here, we will be enjoying all aspects of Quilt Canada 2014 and we hope you do too. The Trend-Tex quilts and the National Juried Show entries will be posted on the website under Galleries. Keep an eye out for them!

So that’s it for inches this year. A BIG thank you to everyone who participated. It was a lot of fun. There was so much positive feedback from all of you, over the 10 months and millions of inches - stay tuned for next year’s challenge.