Do you ever want to peruse the internet for ideas but not sure quite where to look?
Here are two fantastic sources of inspiration. The first is pinterest. Think of this as a giant board that you can tack (pin) all your favourite ideas onto and come back to them.
You can also use it just for browsing and do not have to create an account for yourself. If you decide to create an account, then you can create topic boards to keep your pins organized. This means you can have different topics to 'pin' favourite items when you do a search. Say you create a board called 'quilts with buttons'. Type that in the search engine and it will show you many images of quilts with buttons. You can click on a picture and 'pin' it to your board.
Warning, it is very addictive and hours can slip by quickly.
The second place to find creativity is Craftsy project page or free pattern page.
Craftsy is a huge online learning centre that has expanded to include patterns, blogs and just a ton of projects for you to look at and be inspired. There are almost 37,000 quilted projects on the site. Go and check it out and maybe even sign up (free) and put up your own project!
And a little giggle for you!