Friday 5 October 2012

Stitch Across Canada - First Update

This is so exciting!  Our first month of our challenge to stitch right across Canada one inch of stitch at a time is completed.   We did fantastic, we started at Newfoundland and managed to get right through that wonderful province and are just on the tip of Nova Scotia.  It is amazing to see the participation from our member guilds.  Way to go!
The top 5 guilds were:
1. Nanaimo QG
2. Sudbury and District Quilting and Stitchery Guild
3. Waterloo County QG
4. Norfolk County QG
5. Parksville Quilthouse QG

Now what the Waterloo County QG does to inspire members to count their inches is pretty fun.   At each meeting the quilter with the most inches wins a prize.   A tape measure!  Is your guild doing anything to inspire members to get quilting?

See the black and white quilt block on the coast of Nova Scotia?   We have left Newfoundland and are heading west.  We have just got our oil changed, filled up our tanks, packed our snacks, and the convoy of quilters is ready to roll!

So Canada, get quilting this month so we can wrack up the kilometres on our highway and let's head  out to British Columbia by the end of February!   


  1. Hi Jackie, Thanks for the update - it would be great to know what the top guilds inches, will they be added?

  2. Hi Jackie,
    Can't remember who to send our 'inches' to....Let me know and I'll send in the ones for the Victoria Quilters' Guild for September and October.

    We're having a contest within the guild. I've invited everyone to guess how many inches we will collect by next February. The closest guess (without going over) will win a prize from Patchworks Studio and Northcott.
