Quilt Canada 2015 Day Excursion
The Galt Museum is located along the edge of the coulee that marks the start of the River Valley in Lethbridge. It has one of the most spectacular views in all of Lethbridge. The building has worn many hats in its history, from hospital, nursing school, and rehabilitation centre to get to its current function as Galt Museum and Archives. It has permanent displays on Southern Alberta’s history, as well as travelling displays on various topics, and also a lovely gift shop where many unique things can be purchased.
The museum has previously partnered with the Lethbridge Centennial Quilters Guild to bring in speakers, and is excited to have an opportunity to do so again in sponsoring a lecture during Quilt Canada 2015, on Saturday, June 6, from 1pm-4pm. The cost is an extremely reasonable $6 at the door (seniors $5).
To get to the museum from the University of Lethbridge, a chartered bus will pick you up. This is free of charge, courtesy of the City of Lethbridge Civic Hosting Grant.
The first lecture, Sewers and Savers: Caring for Grandma’s Quilt, runs from 1:30-2:30. Gail Niinimaa, Textile Conservator, will share her knowledge on quilt conservation. She will cover a broad range of topics: basic care, handling, storage, and cleaning. She will also take you through a discussion on her conservation efforts during and after the devastating High River flooding in 2013.

The second part of the afternoon, A Pile of Quilts, will let you get up close and personal with some heritage quilts from the Galt’s own collection. It runs from 2:30-3:30. Curator Wendy Aitkens will show you examples of fine needlework, done by the hands of both men and women, in antique quilts that date back to the 1830s. As an added bonus, you will also see the first quilt made by the Lethbridge Centennial Quilters Guild. This quilt was made before my time in the guild, but it is an amazing homage to Southern Alberta and the City of Lethbridge.
After a half hour, which you can use to visit other exhibits or visit the wonderful gift shop, the chartered bus will pick you up at 4:00 and bring you back to the University.
It is not required to pre-register for this event, but if you would like to attend, please email
Audrey Christiansen as seating is limited to 35. Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to learn about antique quilts! For more information on the
Galt Museum, please visit their website.
Shena Boes